Sunday, December 30

Celebrating Epiphany

I’ve had so much fun pondering how we can celebrate Epiphany with the kids, 
I wanted to share!

First, some Epiphany basics:

 When is Epiphany? 
 January 6th, twelve days after Christmas.

What is Epiphany?
 Originally it celebrated Jesus' dedication in the temple but now focuses on the visit of the three wise men.

Ways to Celebrate!

1- We've moved our wise men clear across the house and have been slowly moving them closer to our nativity scene each night. I read how another family had a blast making the journey into an adventure for the wise men. The magi had to overcome all kinds of "obstacles and dangers" to make it to the baby Jesus.

2- Dress up and reenact the wise men's long journey, their visit to Herod’s court, and finally worshipping the baby Jesus. See Matthew 2 for the complete story.

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3- Read these wonderful children’s books together:

The Last Straw, by Fredrick H Thury
Humphrey's First Christmas, by Carol Heyer
The Magi, By Bevan Olsen
The Third Gift, by Linda Sue Park

4- Play “Follow Yonder Star!”: Start by hiding baby Jesus! Hang a star off the end of your broomstick and take turns guiding the rest of the family around the house in search of the baby Jesus.

5- Dedicating the kids. 

Jesus was dedicated to the Lord eight days after his birth just like all little Jewish boys are. So I was reading up on how Jewish families dedicate their new babies, and it inspired me to whip up a little dedication ceremony to share with our kids! 

Click below to open the pdf file and print.

6- On the actual day of Epiphany, worship Jesus with gifts like the Magi did!

-Choose a ministry or charity to bless with your time or money together.
-Choose kind ways to bless those around you as a family.
-Write down ways you can give the best parts of you to Jesus this year. 
Then roll the pieces of paper up and place them in a jar 
or fold them into origami stars and hang them in the house.

What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb,
If I were a wise man
I would do my part,
Yet what I can I give Him,
Give my heart.

--Christina Rossetti

Hoping your Epiphany is filled with joyful worship and sweet memories together, friends!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I was so happy to see that you included my picture book HUMPHREY'S FIRST CHRISTMAS on your Celebrating Epiphany list Thanks so much! You can see the trailer for Humphrey on my website if you have the time: Warm wishes ~ Carol
